With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
Corn silage serves as the foundation for dairy rations around the country, and feeding a high-quality product requires attention to detail throughout the growing, harvesting, and storage processes
Preliminary totals have come in, and those totals don’t look favorable for fluid milk. Sales slumped 4.1% by sliding from 46.2 billion to 44.3 billion pounds when comparing 2020 to 2021, according...
As another year comes to a close, we reflect on the events that shaped the dairy industry in 2021. Challenges remained, with high production costs, proposed regulations, and continued struggles
One bright spot in a year marked by uncertainty and challenges for U.S. dairy is exports. Even with disrupted supply chains and a continued global pandemic, American dairy exports are on track
I do not think it is ironic that the first Christmas celebrated was surrounded by animals. That is a perfect picture of peace to ponder. What a gift this is, to live on a farm
The first World Dairy Expo in two years kicks off tomorrow, and exhibitors, attendees, presenters, and staff are excited to be back in action for the cattle shows, educational sessions, trade show
friend recently told me, “Never decide today what you can decide tomorrow with more information.” There is a lot of truth in that statement when I think about the mountain of decisions Duane